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Mojca Studen

Mojca je najprej diplomirala na Fakulteti za fiziko, hkrati pa še kiparstvo.

Že od začetka gimnazijskih let so jo zanimale meje in možnosti človeške zavesti. Odgovore je najprej iskala v idejah in filozofiji Sri Aurobinda in Krišnamurtija. Skozi njune ideje je začela vaditi jogo, in pranajamo. Prav tako se je začela učiti o budizmu in praksi spoznavanja sebe z meditacijo. Srečno naključje jo je pripeljalo v stik s knjigami Carlosa Castanede. Sprva so bile to le zanimive zgodbe, onkraj meje možnega, fikcije in legende. Radovednost ji ni dala miru: odločala se je in se udeležila seminarjev in delavnic, ki so jih organizirali Carlos Castaneda, Taisha Abelar in Florinda Donner Grau. Legende so tako postale resničnost ali ena od možnih resničnosti...

Naslednji korak pri spoznavanju človeške zavesti je bil študij transpersonalne psihologije in vključenost v Grofov Transpersonal Training in usposabljanje iz transpersonalne hipnoterapije na Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute. Ima to srečo, da svoje znanje o transpersonalni psihologiji črpa tudi neposredno od dr. Stanislav Grof. Stanislav Grof ji je tudi mentor pri raziskavi oHolotropnem dihanju.

Svoje znanje o biofiziki in transpersonalni psihologiji je združila v Neuro Training - tehnologijo, ki na edinstven način uporablja binauralne tone. Zasnovan je kot telovadnica za možgane.

Rdeča nit vseh njenih iskanj je njen hobi in strast: prosto potaplanje. S prostim potapljanjem se je naučila številnih tehnik samoodkrivanja ter spoznala in sodelovala s številnimi zanimivimi ljudmi, kot je dr. Natalia Molchanov, dr. Oleg Bahtiarev, dr. Hasai Aliev ... Natalia ji je pokazala pot do ravnotežja med prostim potapljanjem kot ekstremnim športom in potapljanjem kot prijetno dejavnostjo, ki odpira človeško zavest.

Od leta 2008 dela kot transpersonalna psihoterapevtka in organizira različne holotropne delavnice.


1995 -   got Bachelor Degree in Physics

1996 -  finished Fine Arts Studies: Sculpturing

2009 -   completed the study of Clinical Hypnosis and the technique of transpersonal NLP  

2010 -  completed the first level of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) method.

2012 -  completed the second level of the EMDR method.

2013 - received an instructor certificate for the body-oriented TRE method (Exercises for Opening Trauma and Stress)

2013 - Completed GTT Training

2015 -  obtained a certificate for teaching the Key Method  and 

Certificate of CompletionMojca StudenHow to Lift Depression Fast

from 2013 to 2017  - involved in Systemic psychotherapeutic studies.

2024 - completed supervisor training

Mojca Studen is a member of EUROTAS (European Transpersonal Association), ATP (Association of Transpersonal Psychologists), ATPH (Association for Transpersonal Psychology in Hypnotherapy) at AHP ( Association of Human Psychology).

Mojca Studen

Services / Modalities

Psychotherapy Meditation Holotropic Breathwork Integration circles Usposabljanje

Upcoming Events (8)

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Course: Introduction to Meditation

Dec 31, 2024

Embark on a journey of self-discovery through meditation and mindfulness 🧘‍♂️✨ #meditation #mindfulness #selflove #love


Prijava: Podporno svetovalno in psihoterapevtsko delo z neobičajnimi stanji zavesti

Dec 31, 2024

Vključite se v enoletno strokovno izobraževanje, ki vam bo omogočilo pridobitev teoretičnih in praktičnih znanj za varno in učinkovito svetovalno in terapevtsko podporo klientom z izkušnjami v neobičajnih stanjih zavesti. Program zajema pripravo na izkušnje v NSZ, tehnike integracije in obravnavo duhovnih kriz, ki vodijo k psihološki rasti in duševnemu zdravju. Izobraževanje ponuja možnost poglobljenega dela na sebi in gradnje skupnosti strokovnjakov, ki podpirajo varno in odgovorno delo v NSZ.


Holotropic Breathwork Intensive (2+2):  January 2025

Jan 23, 2025

Join us for a transformative Holotropic Breathwork Workshop, where you'll have the opportunity to explore deep self-awareness and inner healing through guided breathwork. Whether you're seeking personal growth, emotional release, or a deeper connection to yourself, this powerful practice offers a safe and supportive space to journey within. No experience is necessary—all are welcome. Come breathe, explore, and discover new dimensions of yourself with us!


Holotropic Breathwork Intensive (2+2): March 2025

Mar 06, 2025

Join us for a transformative Holotropic Breathwork Workshop, where you'll have the opportunity to explore deep self-awareness and inner healing through guided breathwork. Whether you're seeking personal growth, emotional release, or a deeper connection to yourself, this powerful practice offers a safe and supportive space to journey within. No experience is necessary—all are welcome. Come breathe, explore, and discover new dimensions of yourself with us!


Holotropic Breathwork (1+1): April 2025

Apr 11, 2025

Join us for a transformative Holotropic Breathwork Workshop, where you'll have the opportunity to explore deep self-awareness and inner healing through guided breathwork. Whether you're seeking personal growth, emotional release, or a deeper connection to yourself, this powerful practice offers a safe and supportive space to journey within. No experience is necessary—all are welcome. Come breathe, explore, and discover new dimensions of yourself with us!


Holotropic Breathwork Intensive (2+2): May 2025

May 22, 2025

Join us for a transformative Holotropic Breathwork Workshop, where you'll have the opportunity to explore deep self-awareness and inner healing through guided breathwork. Whether you're seeking personal growth, emotional release, or a deeper connection to yourself, this powerful practice offers a safe and supportive space to journey within. No experience is necessary—all are welcome. Come breathe, explore, and discover new dimensions of yourself with us!


Holotropic Breathwork Intensive (2+2): June 2025

Jun 05, 2025

Join us for a transformative Holotropic Breathwork Workshop, where you'll have the opportunity to explore deep self-awareness and inner healing through guided breathwork. Whether you're seeking personal growth, emotional release, or a deeper connection to yourself, this powerful practice offers a safe and supportive space to journey within. No experience is necessary—all are welcome. Come breathe, explore, and discover new dimensions of yourself with us!


Holotropic Breathwork Intensive (2+2): June 2025 - 2

Jun 19, 2025

Join us for a transformative Holotropic Breathwork Workshop, where you'll have the opportunity to explore deep self-awareness and inner healing through guided breathwork. Whether you're seeking personal growth, emotional release, or a deeper connection to yourself, this powerful practice offers a safe and supportive space to journey within. No experience is necessary—all are welcome. Come breathe, explore, and discover new dimensions of yourself with us!



Kokra 72 Preddvor Gorenjska Slovenija

Kokra 72 Preddvor Gorenjska Slovenija