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Neurotraining FAQ

With regular use of VelosiMed neurotraining, you can significantly improve your emotional functionality, mental functions and find deep lasting inner satisfaction and peace. At the same time, you become more resilient to external stressful situations; you become more tolerant, understanding, both to yourself and to others. A healthy mental state is also reflected on the physical level, as VelosiMed neuro training helps in the secretion of anti-stress hormones and precursors, which calm you down, rejuvenate you and thus also raise the resistance of the immune system.

1. Misconception: if I fall asleep while listening to VelosiMeda, it probably won’t work.

Fact: Almost everyone falls asleep while listening to VelosiMed, especially in the beginning, but everything that happens while listening is necessary for it to happen, including sleep. VelosiMed also works during naps. However, it is good to use neuro exercise when we are relatively rested and trying to stay awake as long as possible. Otherwise, it can happen to us that VelosiMed neurotraining will become a sign of sleep, which is not too productive.

2. Misconception: if I have all sorts of thoughts during a neuro exercise, I don’t meditate properly and the program won’t work.

Fact: Employment with thoughts is a sign of releasing tension and stress. Meditations in which you can’t get rid of a thought or feel comfortable in some way are among the most productive in terms of releasing tension into the nervous system and moving towards a personal acceptance threshold. even though you don’t feel as good in these meditations as you do in deep meditations, you are actually meditating just as deeply in both cases.

3. Misconception: if I can't concentrate while listening to VelosiMed neurotraining, I don’t meditate and it doesn’t work.

Fact: In traditional meditation, it is necessary to concentrate so that the brain waves capture the meditative patterns. if you do not persistently return to the point of concentration, you do not meditate after disturbances such as noises, thoughts, perceptions, etc. But the true meditative state is difficult to attain. VelosiMed neurotraining can bring you to true meditation quickly. VelosiMed technology creates meditative patterns, but your mind might be still wandering. In the sens of learning meditation, we let the mind wander, but we remain conscious of the wandering mind. This practice allows us to relax enough so that eventually meditation happens. 

4. Misconception: if I don’t notice results in a few weeks, months, sometimes even a few days, then it doesn’t work.

Fact: There is no magic wand. The program will show effects over time, but it takes time. We live in an 'instant' age, but there is no miraculous transformation that will solve all our problems in a few weeks or months. The program is designed to accelerate change, but it still takes some time.

5. Misconception: if I interrupt the program for a while for any reason, I have to start all over again.

Fact: That’s not true. if you interrupt (hopefully not) the program, continue where you left off. The benefits remain and do not fade.

6. Misconception: Stressful situations are a good reason to stop listening to wait for “things to calm down”.

Fact: Your life is not peaceful because your acceptance threshold is too low. Therefore, we would harm ourselves by abandoning the tool that allows us to raise the threshold. Those who wait for the right opportunity to take action usually do not take action.

7. Misconception: if I change the way I use VelosiMed and make my own program in some way, the effects will be better than if I followed the instructions.

Fact: The instructions are not to limit, but to help implement the program effectively. The instructions will help you get through the program more effectively. With your experimenting to much, you can spoil the chances of positive change.

8. Misconception: Speed ​​is essential. The faster I break through each level, the faster I will enjoy all the effects.

Fact: Completing levels in a few weeks and moving to a new level because you believe you can work faster is a waste of time and money. You will not experience all the benefits of the program this way. The neurotraining program is not a race in which there would be more for the one who comes sooner. The result is likely to be the opposite.

9. Misconception: The main reason for using VelosiMed is listening experience.

Fact: Although you can have very pleasant and wonderful experiences while listening, these are not important for long-term effects. Such experiences are only reflections of meditative states. Even if you do not have such experience, there is no impact on the end effects.

10. Misconception: I can subjectively assess what is going on, how deeply I meditate, what works, which brain waves are active while listening.

Fact: Attempts to subjectively assess what is happening does not work. Continuous evaluation of "how deep am I" is a waste of time.

11. Misconception: If I fall asleep while listening to VelosiMed, it probably won’t work.
Almost everyone falls asleep while listening to VelosiMed, especially in the beginning, but everything that happens while listening is necessary for it to happen, including sleep. VelosiMed also works during naps. However, it is good to use neuro exercise when we are relatively rested and trying to stay awake as long as possible. Otherwise, it can happen to us that VelosiMed neurotraining will become a sign of sleep, which is not too productive.

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