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Hypnotherapy and Clinical Hypnosis

V hipnoterapiji hipnoza ustvarjanja stanje, pogoje v katerih ima terapija, bodisi v okviru medicine ali psihoterapije, večje možnosti za uspeh.

Your first psychotherapy/hypnotherapy

Your first visit usually takes an hour and a half. The introductory interview, which lasts about half an hour, is free. In this interview, I explain to you roughly what my hypnotherapeutic/psychotherapeutic work, ..., and what you can expect from psychotherapy. You describe to me the problem that you would like to work on or your desires, and then I ask you a few questions so that I get a clearer picture. This is followed by the first therapy if of course, you agree.

I prepare a personal plan  and a strategy for each client. With the client, we discuss the plan so that it will lead to the best results.

I must emphasize, however, that transpersonal psychotherapy/hypnotherapy requires active participation and full engagement on your part. Without your active participation and desire to change miracles are not possible.

There are many sensory perceptions in the world around us, and we are only able to perceive a few. The subconscious processes several tens of thousands of data at a time, the consciousness is able to process only 3 to 7 at a time. Thus, each of us notices different things in the same landscape or event, because we filter what we perceive with our experience, language, culture, beliefs, values. assumptions, motives. So each of us lives in our own unique reality.

As a therapist, I join your world, and we discover it together, explore, expand, seek sources of empowerment, and other positive resources to help you discover and realize yourself and your's as yet undiscovered potentials. Mostly psychotherapy/hypnotherapy takes place in a conversational trance or in-depth trance ...


Have you ever watched a stage hypnosis show where instead of rubbish and bizarre things, a hypnotized person was capable of doing something they weren’t capable of before hypnosis, or even such amazing things as being performed by stage acrobats? How is that possible, you ask? 

It is just a demonstration of what we are capable of if we get rid of negative and limiting beliefs and open ourselves to our potential. AND THIS IS THE ESSENCE OF HYPNOTHERAPY!

So to literally take the learned self-criticism, self-restraint ... out of the way and reopen you to your natural learning.

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Medical Hypnosis

is applied in: 

  • relief/elimination of chronic pain (burns, headache, PMS, back pain, before/after surgery, rehabilitation assistance ...)
  • relief of acute pain
  • relieving symptoms, e.g. in autoimmune diseases (asthma, allergies, arthritis, ...),
  • relief of disorders (insomnia, irritated skin ...),
  • relieving labor pains,
  • hypnotics in case the patient does not want or cannot...

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Transpersonal NLP

Transpersonal neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is the art and science of excellence in all areas of human life. NLPsplaces special emphasis on the skill of communication and influence.

NLP is concerned with changing and reshaping thinking patterns, promoting flexibility, forging new capabilities and abilities. NLP is also very well associated with hypnotherapy (therapy in hypnosis), so we use effective methods such as:

COre transformation (discovering your essence and meaning)
Sedona method for the release of unwanted belives...

Preparation of CDs for autohypnosis

I always teach clients different techniques and approaches to self-hypnosis and, if necessary, prepare CDs with self-hypnosis; such as preparation for natural childbirth, overcoming stress, better self-esteem, (sports) performance, overcoming addiction, overcoming health problems ...

Statement: "Self-hypnosis was very helpful to me. Otherwise I gave birth one month too soon and I did not listen to the CD for three months as recommended. The contents of the CD gave me a new insight about the pain. 2 hours of the last labor contractions practically passed like 5 minutes for me.” Greetings, Tina B.

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