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About Individual Psychotherapy

The essence of the transpersonal approach is to help the client find his wholeness, inner peace, and satisfaction, which do not depend on external factors, but the client becomes able to act from an empowered position regardless of the obstacles he encounters in life.

What is Transpersonal Psychotherapy?

The crux of the transpersonal approach is to help the client find his or her integrity, and inner peace of satisfaction that is unrelated to external factors. Inner peace enables the client to be able to function from empowered positions, regardless of the obstacles he or she has in everyday encounters. We are aware that in the dysfunctional behaviors, complexes, COEXs… hide or trap a great deal of psychic and spiritual energy and this entrapment prevents the client from living a full life. Our mission is to help the clients to re-energize their healthy development, to feel alive again, to feel empowered, to be able to fully live in the moment.

The purpose of transpersonal psychotherapy is to de-program the subconscious mind, thereby making it possible to have better access to a higher mind, wisdom, and intuition that is hidden within each and every one of us, thereby helping the client to change unwanted behavior, believes and to improve the quality of life of the client in all areas of life.

Transpersonal psychotherapy goes beyond Ego and riches into inner wisdom and intuition. The goal is to deepen the understanding of personal and social programs that are uploaded into us. With more awareness, you get more personal choice to keep or reject these programs. When we choose to end old, obsolete programs, the unwanted programs start to de-program into a new fully functional, and constructive pattern.

Transpersonal psychotherapy is psychotherapy with deep, long-lasting results. Because our health insurance does not incur the cost of long-term psychotherapies, maybe you are looking for a therapy that will lead you to significant results in a few therapies. You can find this in transpersonal psychotherapy/ hypnotherapy. Transpersonal psychotherapy is derived from transpersonal psychology that includes knowledge and methods that are covered in all four waves of psychology development: 1) psychoanalytic 2) behavioral, 3) humanistic, and 4) transpersonal wave.

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Specifically, with a psychotherapist, you work at all four levels of your problem:

being overweight

1. Subconscious problems, inhibitions (to find out, understand psychic wounds, subconscious mechanisms of dealing with them, dysfunctional habits in the troubles that have led to excessive problems)

2. observe and change the habit (less open the fridge, choosing better, healthier food, for example)

3. personal excellence (developing physical, emotional potentials and awareness to deal with weight problems)

4. spiritual potential (broaden perspective, gain wisdom, sharing the experience of healing with others - see choices and spiritual gains)

Transpersonal psychotherapy adds to classic psychotherapy  the additional fourth wave - your spiritual potential. The goal is to reach, contact and use your wisdom, your empowerment for the greater good of your immediate surrounding, and to benefit all sentient beings in this and possibly also other worlds.

In my therapy practice I mostly use transpersonal and short-term, goal-oriented, and positive psychotherapy/hypnotherapy, EMDR, and sometimes transpersonal NLP (neurolinguistic programming), depending on the situation and, most of all, what is the best approach for you at the moment.

Read more about the first session...

I conduct sessions in Preddvor and Ljubljana or via the internet (Skype, Facetime, Meet, Zoom,...) For an appointment, please call me on + 386 (0) 40 907 664 or use the Contact Us form below.  

Who is it for?

You’ve probably heard that with the help of psychotherapy, especially in hypnosis, you can quit smoking, lose weight successfully, or overcome habits you don’t like or don’t need. In addition, transpersonal psychotherapy is very successful in emotional and personal problems that may have been bothering you for a long time. We focus primarily on problems, behaviors, and beliefs that seem to be out of your control and happen to you automatically without you having any influence on your behavior. Typical examples of such behaviors and beliefs are:

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    • nobody likes me
    • I always get involved in the wrong relationships (they can be intimate or business ...)
    • I am not capable of a happy/fulfilling partnership
    • I've tried to quit smoking several times, but I can't
    • I've tried to lose weight several times, but I always get all the hernias back (and some extra ones)
    • I get angry for no real reason
    • in the presence of this person, incomprehensible rage/despair/helplessness strikes me ...
    • I feel anxious all the time
      I hate to be noticed
    • I can't find motivation for regular exercise / meditation ...
    • I can't find time to relax
    • I have no self-confidence
    • I feel like something is preventing me from succeeding
    • I am afraid of a new beginning
    • I have unfounded fears/phobias
    • I always postpone things to later / find it difficult to complete projects
    • I feel depressed ...

    The most common problems/desires we face: anxiety, depression, phobias, overweight, smoking, problems in relationships, excessive stress, low self-esteem, desire to progress ...

    With transpersonal psychotherapy you can:

    • improve your interpersonal relationships: by learning to use your intuition to improve your communication,
    • understanding, and commitment to the relationship.
    • progress in the workplace: learn how to improve the quality of your work, improve your communication.
    • deepen and make your intimate relationship even more meaningful
    • speed up or start with personal growth and spirituality: you will enjoy your skin more and become a better role model. You will experience a personal transformation. Your life will expand and evolve.


    Stress management

    We’re not talking about classic approaches where it’s about instant relaxation, muscularly, mentally, to be able to work a little more, even faster ... but we’re talking about transforming our way of thinking about ourselves, our body, profession, work, ambitions. Transformation in this way, to become more balanced, in harmony with ourselves, that is, to overcome or replace internal programs that force us into stress, addiction, the desire for external confirmation and proof, a sense of inferiority, competition ...

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    The information revolution has connected the whole world, we have endless data at our disposal and the amount of information is growing day by day. With new technologies, we are able to do more, better ... But on the other hand, others and mostly ourselves, demand more and better from ourselves. The working day has stretched, work is becoming our life, we can hardly squeeze into it anything else. If you are a high achiever or workaholic, this works perfectly fine. However, whit this kind of life-style we are all running the risk of getting burned out at some point, of losing your intuition and creativity, of humanity and humility due to an overdose of work... and so the work becomes more and more strenuous, instead of being fun, just the right amount of work, creative and enriching work, enriching especially at the level of the higher values.

    It is also becoming increasingly clear that chronic stress is pandemic and one of the most dangerous conditions not only for our health but also for our efficiency, creativity, and well-being. Recent research has also confirmed that for people who perceive their lives as very stressful, telomeres shorten much faster than for people who feel calm, flowing, with little stress. (Telomeres are the conclusions on our DNA that ensure cell reproduction - with each division, some telomere falls off when the telomere is gone, the division is no longer possible and the cell/organ/organism dies.) It is now increasingly clear also in main-stream medicine how important and strong is the bond between the mental and the physical. More and more money is dedicated to researching meditation and other psychic techniques to help us reduce stress because, among other benefits, they governments are clearly aware that they can best reduce healthcare costs by teaching people how to stay healthy - prevention, therefore. And the strongest prevention is the right attitude of your mind and mentality as a whole.

    And this is exactly what we teach you through various techniques in our center. It starts with psychotherapy or hypnotherapy to discover negative programs and transform them into constructive ones. We look for behaviors that sabotage you and find a replacement for behaviors that help you on your path. We then teach you meditation and techniques and give you tools through which you can find your balance, inner strength, and complete focus anywhere, anytime. The side effect of all of this is that the work and your life become more pleasurable. Intuition and creativity are always there for you, empathy for loved ones, co-workers, and people, in general, is no longer foreign to you...


    Personal excelence

    The most important tool for mental training and optimal physical/mental preparation, as well as efficiency in practicing various techniques, is proper self-regulation. Self-regulation helps us to focus attention, to focus fully and increase abilities, and to developmental and physical strength.

    Self-regulation will teach you how to get completely natural, and easy "in the zone" whenever you want, instead of relying on random luck. With self-regulation, you will make sure that you supply your body with enough energy, at the right time, without the risk of injury. 

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    This way you will be able to save a lot of your energy and power, reduce the effort to a minimum for maximum result in any environment.

    The term 'in the zone' is actually a sports term, which more precisely means increased consciousness or one of the holotropic states of consciousness. The main feature of this heightened consciousness is complete, expanded awareness, which is not perturbated by internal or external disturbances. When you are in this state, some of the phenomena that are characteristic of holotropic states, in general, can occur: time begins to run slower, slowing of the exterior motion while you can react just as fast as usual (very typical of martial arts) and you can plan your movements, actions, and reactions even more efficiently and correctly. When your consciousness gets used to this elevated state, it will automatically switch to this state whenever you want it.

    Of course, self-regulation is much more than a guided visualization and relaxation techniques, as our mentality also demands much more. Ultimately, the well-being and health of each of us are the most important.

    Few people devote enough time and attention to their mental training, although research has long confirmed the importance of a proper and stable mental attitude. Just remember the experiment with basketball players who only physically trained, half trained and half visualized, and only visualized free throws. Which group has already been the most successful? The second group was the most successful, and the first (only physical basket throw training) the worst.

    So: anyone who regularly uses trans/focus expansion to find their sense of being “in the zone”, an elevated state of consciousness can trigger this state whenever necessary, with the help of post-hypnotic suggestions, breathing, triggers ...

    Advantages of using self-regulation:

    • Improved self-confidence, motivation, endurance, mind-body connection, focus, perception, intensity, energy, self-control, self-discipline, self-awareness, physical strength, time management, work-life balance, family and social and sports life.
    • Faster recovery and regeneration
    • Ability to control pain.
    • Ability to be "in the zone" quickly and easily.
    • By mentally repeating workouts and competitions, you significantly increase your chances of reaching your goal in reality.
    • In the same way that suggestions, imagination, concentration, belief, and expectations are the basis for any hypnosis, these factors are also essential to achieving any kind of excellence. Everything is in preparation, and what could be a better way to prepare than to relax into a self-regulating trance every day ?!
    • When you take care of your emotional needs, you take care of your sports/work needs.
    • Self-regulation also provides opportunities for emotional healing; where there is fear, worry, and stress, this can be significantly reduced and removed through hypnotherapy.
    • Self-regulation keeps the digestive system relaxed and stress-free. This is important e.g. for top athletes, as their diet can sometimes be very strict.

      When awareness and active relaxation are complete, the mind naturally slips into an elevated state of consciousness.
      This is what gives one athlete an advantage over others.

    Self-confidence - a basic need

    for successful (sports) participation. We have quite a few transpersonal "grips" in hypnosis that help the athlete find (back) his "center", his inner source of strength, self-esteem, and true self-confidence. Many athletes have all the physical predispositions to be successful, but their bad self-beliefs, which they may not even be aware of, prevent thair success. We will teach you how to obtain, keep, and use self-confidence, even outside the competition area.

    Intensity: use it wisely!

    By self-observant: when you are 'out of breath', or when you have muscle tension, you can find out what is causing this overexertion and what needs to change. Too much stress has a negative effect on the health and overall energy expenditure available to us. By learning to control the intensity, endurance is accelerated, which helps you break through mental and physical barriers.

    Identifying the goa
    l to improve (sports) excellence

    The set goals that need to be achieved in lifestyle, diet, training, etc. can be inserted into self-regulation every day. Your sports counselor coach also needs to understand how the goal-setting process works and how to best use goals that suit your individual needs. Goal setting is not only involved in achieving results within your sport/profession, but also includes setting and achieving goals in your personal life, because, without harmony between personal and professional / sports life, there can be no success in the professional / sports field.

    Use imagination (visualization), intuition to improve your excellence.
    Mental training for mental resilience!

    Example in sport: Mental training should cover a wide range of different skills and should not be limited to preparation and competition. Training the mind also includes getting the most out of training, dealing with weaknesses, recovering quickly from injury, fighting fatigue, and coping with illness and frustration. A strong mind can help the body regenerate faster. Being mentally fit means staying physically fit. For an athlete who is not yet mentally prepare, a lack of self-confidence can cause psychosomatic illnesses such as poor concentration, cramps, or injuries. The subconscious must be convinced that there is no cause for fear and that competition is a challenge, that it is necessary to continue and win. If the subconscious is not convinced, it can try to sabotage the athlete’s plan, by creating obstacles This act of sabotage happens on a subconscious level, and therefore self-doubt must be removed at that level. It is not enough to push it away - in fact, we are digging a hole into which we will fall sooner or later. Hypnosis has proven to be a useful tool for overcoming such mental barriers, as hypnosis paints a clear picture of the subconscious about how success is supposed to look, how to feel it, and how to replicate it in reality. Hypnosis also offers us to deal with subconscious barriers in the right way.


    At the Velosimed Center, we can help you overcome problems such as:

    {{modality}} can be helpful in treating a wide range of conditions. Including:

    • stress
    • fear, anxiety, feelings of helplessness
    • feeling constantly tired or lacking in life energy
    • rapid and drastic mood swings
    • major life changes and trials
    • loss of loved ones and mourning
    • understanding and overcoming unwanted emotions (resentment, jealousy, outbursts of excessive anger, malice, egoism ...)
    • psychosomatic symptoms
    • chronic pain
    • insomnia
    • diseases (see clinical hypnotherapy),
    • addiction
    • phobias ...

    We help you:

    • achieve personal, professional or sporting excellence,
    • stop bad habits such as smoking, overeating, emotional outbursts ...
    • get out of the vicious circle of depression as quickly as possible

    Because we are aware that man is not an isolated island, but always a part of the community, which is strongly marked and shaped by us, we are also qualified to work with:

    • families
    • pairs

    In psychotherapeutic jargon, we solve problems such as:

    • Personality disorders
    • Anxiety disorders
    • Trauma
    • Depression
    • Stress and burnout
    • Insomnia
    • Eating disorders
    • Addiction
    • Post-traumatic stress disorder
    • Obsessive-compulsive disorder

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