Holotropic breathwork is a variety of holotropic works which are methods for self-exploration, personal transformation, and healing in general.
Holotropic breathwork includes:
Set and setting:
Holotropic experience/inner journey/participatory event:
Integration phase:
More about the Holotropic Breathwork: https://en.holotropicbreathwork.si/
Workshops: https://en.holotropicbreathwork.si/urnik-delavnic
A short illustration of 10 years of healing and spiritual work, mostly through Holotropic work:
To quote C.G. Jung: “Healing comes only from that which leads the person beyond himself and beyond his entanglement with ego.”
Holotropic states allow us to transcend experience “beyond the limits of cause and effect, the three dimensions and linear time”. This means that we may undergo mystical experiences of union and connection with the divine. We may experience any aspect of all that is – everything and no-thing.
We may remember, discover, and explore many levels of the spectrum of consciousness. We can experience aspects of birth, repressed or unfinished trauma, family dynamics, etc in a safe environment within which healing can occur most easily and deeply.
There are infinite possibilities, however, there are four categories of experience observed by Grof as emerging in holotropic states. More...
{{modality}} can be part of your psychotherapy, or part of your path of self-exploration and personal or spiritual growth, and can be especially interesting if: