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Vestibulum porttitor fringilla vestibulum. Maecenas eget tempor arcu. Etiam sodales nunc sit amet quam tincidunt, at fringilla nibh accumsan. Proin imperdiet euismod augue, eu viverra nunc auctor et. Sed finibus ultrices nibh, a venenatis risus pulvinar nec. Nam pulvinar a augue in consectetur. Aliquam sollicitudin porta mi eget rutrum. Sed luctus diam eget tortor suscipit, vitae aliquam lectus consequat. Aenean nec fermentum magna, sit amet congue nulla. Integer vitae ipsum sit amet lectus sagittis auctor non nec diam. Morbi faucibus dolor id lacinia suscipit. Donec leo orci, bibendum eu massa a, volutpat commodo lectus. Sed suscipit dolor turpis, eget congue neque dignissim a. Proin a nunc non elit venenatis sollicitudin.

Sed egestas fringilla ultricies.

The meditation of loving-kindness originates from Buddhism and is attributed to the Buddha himself, but today Metta is universal and doesn’t belong to any people, race, or religion. It is open and accessible to everyone to try and experience for themselves.

The meditation of loving-kindness originates from Buddhism and is attributed to the Buddha himself, but today Metta is universal and doesn’t belong to any people, race, or religion. It is open and accessible to everyone to try and experience for themselves.

Metta is a very important meditative practice for several reasons:

  • It is one of the best tools for cultivating a broad focus, which leads
  • to the expansion of consciousness, which
  • helps us open our hearts to active compassion and love, towards ourselves, others, and all living beings on Earth, thereby
  • contributing a small step towards ending at least unnecessary suffering in this world.

I suggest that the practice of loving-kindness becomes part of your meditative practice.

The meditation of loving-kindness originates from Buddhism, and is attributed to the Buddha himself, but today Metta is universal and doesn’t belong to any people, race, or religion. It is open and free for anyone to try and see for themselves.

Metta Bhavana, the meditation of loving-kindness, is a magical journey into the depths of the heart, where the gentle light of love and compassion is born. In the silent embrace of the moment, the soul opens like a flower under warm sun rays, spreading the fragrance of goodness and peace into every corner of the universe. Like a river that flows endlessly, so too does love overflow from the heart, first towards oneself and then to all beings, embracing the world with invisible threads of tenderness.

In this meditation, the heart becomes like a calm lake, where each thought of love creates ripples that expand and merge, bringing peace and joy to all they touch. It is a silent revolution within us, where prejudices dissolve like snow in the spring sun, leaving behind only pure, unconditional love.

Metta Bhavana is the dance of the soul, the harmony of love that, with the melody of compassion, leads us to unity with all around us. With every inhale and exhale, we send blessings from the heart, becoming beacons of love in a world that often forgets about gentleness. It is the art of living in love, where every heart recognizes itself as part of one great heart of the universe.

There is plenty resources for describing, teaching and guided Metta Bhavana.

Sed egestas fringilla ultricies.

Vestibulum porttitor fringilla vestibulum. Maecenas eget tempor arcu. Etiam sodales nunc sit amet quam tincidunt, at fringilla nibh accumsan. Proin imperdiet euismod augue, eu viverra nunc auctor et. Sed finibus ultrices nibh, a venenatis risus pulvinar nec. Nam pulvinar a augue in consectetur. Aliquam sollicitudin porta mi eget rutrum. Sed luctus diam eget tortor suscipit, vitae aliquam lectus consequat. Aenean nec fermentum magna, sit amet congue nulla. Integer vitae ipsum sit amet lectus sagittis auctor non nec diam. Morbi faucibus dolor id lacinia suscipit. Donec leo orci, bibendum eu massa a, volutpat commodo lectus. Sed suscipit dolor turpis, eget congue neque dignissim a. Proin a nunc non elit venenatis sollicitudin.

Vestibulum porttitor fringilla vestibulum. Maecenas eget tempor arcu. Etiam sodales nunc sit amet quam tincidunt, at fringilla nibh accumsan. Proin imperdiet euismod augue, eu viverra nunc auctor et. Sed finibus ultrices nibh, a venenatis risus pulvinar nec. Nam pulvinar a augue in consectetur. Aliquam sollicitudin porta mi eget rutrum. Sed luctus diam eget tortor suscipit, vitae aliquam lectus consequat. Aenean nec fermentum magna, sit amet congue nulla. Integer vitae ipsum sit amet lectus sagittis auctor non nec diam. Morbi faucibus dolor id lacinia suscipit. Donec leo orci, bibendum eu massa a, volutpat commodo lectus. Sed suscipit dolor turpis, eget congue neque dignissim a. Proin a nunc non elit venenatis sollicitudin.

Sed egestas fringilla ultricies.

Vestibulum porttitor fringilla vestibulum. Maecenas eget tempor arcu. Etiam sodales nunc sit amet quam tincidunt, at fringilla nibh accumsan. Proin imperdiet euismod augue, eu viverra nunc auctor et. Sed finibus ultrices nibh, a venenatis risus pulvinar nec. Nam pulvinar a augue in consectetur. Aliquam sollicitudin porta mi eget rutrum. Sed luctus diam eget tortor suscipit, vitae aliquam lectus consequat. Aenean nec fermentum magna, sit amet congue nulla. Integer vitae ipsum sit amet lectus sagittis auctor non nec diam. Morbi faucibus dolor id lacinia suscipit. Donec leo orci, bibendum eu massa a, volutpat commodo lectus. Sed suscipit dolor turpis, eget congue neque dignissim a. Proin a nunc non elit venenatis sollicitudin.

Vestibulum porttitor fringilla vestibulum. Maecenas eget tempor arcu. Etiam sodales nunc sit amet quam tincidunt, at fringilla nibh accumsan. Proin imperdiet euismod augue, eu viverra nunc auctor et. Sed finibus ultrices nibh, a venenatis risus pulvinar nec. Nam pulvinar a augue in consectetur. Aliquam sollicitudin porta mi eget rutrum. Sed luctus diam eget tortor suscipit, vitae aliquam lectus consequat. Aenean nec fermentum magna, sit amet congue nulla. Integer vitae ipsum sit amet lectus sagittis auctor non nec diam. Morbi faucibus dolor id lacinia suscipit. Donec leo orci, bibendum eu massa a, volutpat commodo lectus. Sed suscipit dolor turpis, eget congue neque dignissim a. Proin a nunc non elit venenatis sollicitudin.