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Join a one-year professional training program that will provide you with theoretical and practical knowledge for safe and effective counseling and therapeutic support for clients experiencing non-ordinary states of consciousness (NOSC). The program covers preparation for NOSC experiences, integration techniques, and addressing spiritual crises that lead to psychological growth and mental well-being. This training offers the opportunity for deep personal work and building a community of professionals committed to safe and responsible work in the field of NOSC.
In 2025, psychotherapists and other professionals in helping professions will have the opportunity to enroll in a one-year training program focused on supporting clients in preparing for and integrating experiences in non-ordinary states of consciousness (NOSC), including clients with psychedelic experiences. The program will be conducted under the auspices of the Ljubljana branch of Sigmund Freud University in Vienna (SFU Ljubljana) in collaboration with the Velosimed Center.
You can find details about the program content, lecturers, and training requirements here...
Free Informational Seminars
Supportive Work with Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness: Preparation and Integration, led by Mojca Studen:
- IN PERSON: Tuesday, November 19, 2024, from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM at SFU Ljubljana, Trubarjeva 65, Lecture Hall P4.
- ONLINE via Zoom: Monday, November 25, 2024, from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM.
- Zoom link:
The seminars aim to present the theoretical and practical aspects of the one-year training, enabling participants to make an informed decision about joining the program.
Introductory Session
The introductory session is tentatively scheduled for December 2024 or January 2025 (the exact date will be announced once registrations are collected). It will include an overview of the training content and requirements and form the participant group. Group meeting and seminar block dates will also be set.
Program Schedule
The formal training process will commence in February 2025 with the first one-day seminar and conclude in May 2026 with a group meeting in the form of an integrative Holotropic Breathwork workshop, which will serve as the final exam.
Training Fee
Celotna kotizacija usposabljanja znaša: 1350 €
V ceno 1350 € (v kolikor bo vsaj 14 udeležencev, če bo udeležencev manj se kotizacija dvigne na 1540 €) so vključeni stroški enodnevnih in vikend seminarjev ter zaključnega tridnevnega srečanja (vključno s spanjem in prehrano).Stroške individualnih in skupinskih supervizij bodo udeleženci poravnali sami po individualnem dogovoru s supervizorjem/ko. Cena supervizijske ure je 70 €. Prav tako udeleženci usposabljanja sami poravnajo stroške osebne izkušnje (ustreznih delavnic ali terapij).
Udeleženci plačajo prvi del 30 % kotizacije: 405 € po potrjeni prijavi in prejemu računa
Skrajni rok za oddajo prijave je do 9. januarja 2025. Ob prijavi boste prejeli račun za plačilo najmanj 30% kotizacije.
Za zgodnje prijave in plačilo celotne kotizacije do 19. decembra 2024 bo v primeru sprejema v usposabljanje udeležencem priznan 10% popust na celotno kotizacijo.
Ob prijavi mora kandidat poleg izpolnjene prijavnice in Zdravstvenega obrazca (kliknite na: IZPOLNITE PRIJAVNICO) predložiti pismo, v katerem opiše motiv za usposabljanje in ga pošlje na
SFU, Trubarjeva 65, Ljubljana - SFU, Trubarjeva 65, Ljubljana, 1000
Kraj: Skupinske supervizije, seminarji, delavnice holotropnega dihanja in zaključno srečanje bodo potekala v prostorih centra Velosimed, Kokra 72, Preddvor, ter v prostorih SFU Ljubljana, Trubarjeva 65, Ljubljana.
Vaje in intervizije v trojicah (četverkah) bodo potekale na lokacijah, ki jih bodo izbrali udeleženci usposabljanja sami, lahko delno tudi preko Zooma. Individualne in skupinske supervizije bodo potekale po dogovoru s supervizorjem.
General terms<br>
Payment: Upon registration for the training, 30% of the total fee must be paid. The remaining balance can be paid in one or two installments by April 30, 2025. For payment in multiple installments, participants must submit a formal request with justification to the training coordinator, Marko Šifrar (details below).
- If cancellation occurs up to 7 days before the first meeting, a 10% administrative fee will be charged.
- For cancellations after this period, 50% of the fee will be charged.
- Another candidate may attend in your place, but the replacement must be announced in advance.
- Notifications of cancellations or replacements should be sent to
Data Confidentiality:
Registration data will not be shared with third parties without prior written consent from the individual. The data will only be used to inform you about our activities. Upon request, we will modify or delete your data.
For additional information, contact the training coordinator:
Marko Šifrar
Phone: 040 852 049