"LSD is a catalyst or amplifier of mental processes. If used properly, it could become something like a microscope or a telescope for psychotherapy."
— Stanislav Grof, pioneer of psychedelic therapy
Free informational seminars on the topic Supportive Work with Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness: Preparation and Integration, led by Mojca Studen, will be held:
The seminars are designed to present the theoretical and practical content of the one-year training program, enabling potential participants to make a more informed decision about joining.
In counseling and psychotherapeutic work, we increasingly encounter clients seeking either healing of psychological wounds or personal and spiritual growth through workshops, methods, and techniques that provide experiences in non-ordinary states of consciousness (NOSC). In some cases, clients seek work with NOSC as a supplement to therapy, while in others, they require support for integrating NOSC experiences after encountering facilitators who were unable to provide adequate guidance. The integration of profound transformative experiences in NOSC can take weeks, months, or even longer.
The training for professionals focusing on supporting clients with NOSC experiences and the informed use of psychoactive substances (PAS) includes understanding NOSC experiences, the characteristics of quality therapeutic work in NOSC, and developing a specialized set of counseling and therapeutic skills for the preparation and integration of NOSC experiences. The program also provides essential knowledge and techniques for assisting individuals undergoing a so-called "spiritual crisis." This occurs when an individual experiences a profound transformative event that may involve intense feelings of identity loss, anxiety, confusion, or a sense of mental disintegration. In such moments, appropriate support can prevent the crisis from becoming pathological or destructive and redirect it into an opportunity for growth and integration.
Participants will gain insights into the cultural, epistemological, and anthropological dimensions of consciousness and healing, as well as ritual and cultural practices that influence transformative experiences. They will explore a transpersonal perspective on the psyche, supported by findings from neuroscience research, and become familiar with various types of therapies used in NOSC. Additionally, they will learn techniques for preparing and integrating deeply transformative processes associated with NOSC experiences, which they can offer to their clients on their journey of healing or personal/spiritual growth.
Given the growing concerns around the use of psychedelic substances as a gateway to NOSC, the training includes a dedicated module on subcultures and contemporary trends in the use of psychedelics. It also equips participants with skills to prepare clients for responsible, safe, and conscious decisions about engaging in NOSC work or determining when and for whom such work may be inadvisable.
The primary goals are for participants, upon completing the training, to:
Additionally, the purpose of the training is to:
Upon successful completion of the training, participants will receive a certificate from SFU Ljubljana confirming their participation in the program Supportive Counseling and Psychotherapeutic Work with Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness and the total number of completed hours (273 hours).
Quisque facilisis non augue nec condimentum. Integer varius vitae nisl et volutpat. Nullam sed hendrerit urna. Pellentesque sed tincidunt turpis. Sed sodales, nisi ac malesuada volutpat, nisl nibh commodo tellus, non ornare lacus mi hendrerit felis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Maecenas tristique mi nec ultrices vulputate. Cras aliquet mollis quam sed pulvinar. Aliquam vestibulum leo sit amet odio venenatis, non ultrices erat blandit. Duis feugiat tellus quis turpis elementum rutrum. Fusce iaculis, tellus ut dictum rutrum, augue quam lacinia velit, sed mollis libero magna auctor tortor. Sed orci justo, bibendum nec purus sit amet, laoreet tristique ipsum.
The program is built on four main pillars:
Seminars and exercises to provide a strong theoretical foundation.
Small group sessions where participants practice acquired techniques and methods.
Both individual and group supervision to ensure professional growth and skill refinement.
Participation in Holotropic Breathwork workshops is possible with any certified organizer holding a GTT (Grof Transpersonal Training) or GLT (Grof Legacy Training) certification.
. Workshop list and schedule: : https://holotropic-association.eu/all-workshops or https://www.gltnordic.org/workshops/
In Slovenia: www.holotropicbreathwork.si
The content of the training program follows key guidelines, emphasizing the importance of therapists operating in compliance with legal and ethical standards, ensuring a safe and supportive environment, and assisting clients in the preparation, experience, and integration of NOSC in a way that fosters their personal growth and mental well-being. The main thematic modules of the training include:
Theoretical Framework of Therapies in NOSC:This comprehensive curriculum equips participants with the knowledge, skills, and ethical foundation to effectively support clients in NOSC-related therapeutic work.
Detailed Content and Thematic Modules of the Training Program
This module broadens participants’ understanding of consciousness beyond Western psychological frameworks.
During the one-year training program, totaling 273 hours, participants are required to fulfill the following obligations:
The program will take place in a group setting with a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 participants through the following formats:
This multi-dimensional approach ensures comprehensive learning, skill development, and personal growth within a structured and supportive environment.
One-Day Seminars:
Dedicated to theory, practice, and contemporary topics in NOSC therapies. These seminars include case analyses, demonstrations, and practice of methods and techniques.
Exercises and Peer Intervision in Study Triads:
Participants are required to organize themselves into study triads (or quartets) and meet at least once every two months for a minimum of three academic hours. During these sessions, participants:
Personal Experience:
Participants must complete a minimum of 82 hours of personal NOSC therapy experiences, including:
Supervision – Individual and Group:
Supervision sessions will take place every two months, as agreed with the supervisor, with approximately seven group meetings, each lasting three academic hours. Participants are also required to complete at least eight individual supervision sessions during the training.
The objectives of supervision include:
Final Integration Workshop:
This will take place from Thursday to Sunday in May 2026, structured as a Holotropic Breathwork integration workshop. The meeting will include:
Exercises and peer supervisions in triads (or quartets) will take place at locations chosen by the training participants themselves, partially via Zoom if needed. Individual and group supervisions will be arranged in agreement with the supervisor.
Two free informational seminars on the topic Supportive Work with Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness: Preparation and Integration, led by Mojca Studen, will take place:
IN PERSON on Tuesday, November 19, 2024, from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM at SFU Ljubljana, Trubarjeva 65, Lecture Room P4
AND VIA ZOOM on Monday, November 25, 2024, from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM.
The seminars are intended to introduce the theoretical and practical content of the one-year training program, allowing candidates to make an informed decision about potential participation.
The introductory meeting is tentatively planned for February 17th 2025; location SFU Ljubljana, lecture room P6). This meeting will feature an introductory lecture presenting the content and requirements of the training program, as well as forming the group of participants. Dates for group sessions and block seminars will also be established.
The regular training process through block seminars and group sessions will begin in February 2025 with the first one-day seminar and will conclude in May 2026 with a group session in the form of an integration workshop in Holotropic Breathwork, which will serve as the final exam.
The first one-day seminar, led by Mojca Studen, is tentatively scheduled for February 2025 and will cover the following topics:
One-day seminars will generally take place on Mondays or Wednesdays from 4:30 PM to 9:00 PM (6 academic hours) (to be finalized with participants after the first session).
Weekend seminars will take place on Fridays and Saturdays:
It will be possible to stay overnight from Friday to Saturday at the Velosimed center or nearby accommodations.
Candidates eligible to enroll in the training program must meet one of the following criteria:
Candidates who meet these criteria can be accepted if they:
Training Director:
Mojca Studen, MSc in Physics, Transpersonal Psychotherapist, CCHt, Supervisor
Description of Training Modules